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Monday, 8 October 2012
Monday, 8 October 2012
- Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up from Sacramento, California with Michael Cole welcoming us. We go right to the ring and out comes John Cena to a very mixed reaction.

Cole is joined by Jim Ross and JBL on commentary as Cena makes his way to the ring. Cena says he missed everyone and asks if the fans missed him. He’s answered with cheers and boos. He says one week off felt like a year but it’s good to be back in the ring. Cena says it took him a week off to realize what really was going on in WWE. He talks about Team Hell No, Antonio Cesaro, the WWE Divas and AJ Lee. Cena says AJ haslost her mind but not her charm. Cena says he would like to take AJ on a date. Cena brings up Vince McMahon being here and Arnold Schwarzenegger being the Social Media Ambassador. Cena says Larry King is here tonight. Cena gets the fans riled up. Cena says he and the fans don’t have a voice. He says CM Punk stole the voice of WWE. Some fans start chanting for Punk. Cena talks about Hell In a Cell and says that match could be a moment people remember Punk for. Cena hopes the fans tell Punk how they feel when he comes out tonight. Cena wants the match at Hell In a Cell. Cena says Punk sometimes simply just isn’t a man.

Cena tells Punk not to be a punk and face him at Hell In a Cell. Cena thanks the fans for letting him speak and goes to leave. Ryback’s music hits and out he comes. Ryback and Cena exchange a look as they walk past each other on the ramp.

*Ryback vs. Primo and Epico

Ryback fights them off and hits two pairs of clotheslines. Ryback grabs them both for a double Shellshocked and nails it for the win.
Winner: Ryback

- We get hype for Vince McMahon’s return before going to commercial.

*Brodus Clay vs. R-Truth

Vince McMahon appears on the big screen and tells them to dance up the ramp so he can give the State of WWE Address. Vince has the music played again as everyone dances out of the ring. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Vince McMahon to give a State of WWE Address. Vince heads to the ring to a big pop from the crowd.

Vince says the state of WWE is an invisible little boy dancing in the ring. He says there’s room for that in WWE with other stuff like goat faced vegans, masked luchadores and more. Vince says the most important thing in WWE is the action. The fans want to see the best of the best. He’s interrupted by the music and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk with Paul Heyman right behind him. Punk mocks Vince as he heads down the ramp.

Punk is wearing his new yellow t-shirt and Vince calls it ugly. Punk circles around Vince and stops. Vince says Punk is disrespecting him by interrupting his address. Punk says disrespect is Vince out here talking about what the fans want to see and talking about the best without mentioning him. Punk says that must have been a shot at him because he wont face Cena at Hell In a Cell. Pun says the General Manager Vince hired is the one who left the decision up to him. Punk says he gave Cena a shot at Night of Champions and he couldn’t get the job done. Punk knocks the fans now and they boo him. Punk then rips into the fans who cheer him. He says people in the back don’t respect him and neither do the fans. Punk asks Vince if he respects him.

Vince respects Punk’s current title reign but doesn’t respect the fact that Punk considers himself a “Paul Heyman guy.” Vince says he’s not a “CM Punk guy.” Punk is glad Vince found his grapefruits and can say that to his face. Punk says Vince should be a Punk guy because Punk is the best in the world. Punk says he used to just be a spoke on the wheel but now he’s the wheel. Punk says he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to WWE and he’s the best thing Vince has right now. Punk gets in Vince’s face now. Heyman tries to calm Punk down but can’t. Punk says Vince should be on his knees right now. Punk says fans don’t care about Jim Ross or Jerry Lawler and asks where CM Punk Appreciation Night is. Punk says maybe if he doesn’t get the respect he deserves, he will hop the rail and quit. Punk says maybe he will blow Vince a kiss but this time he’s not coming back.

Vince asks Punk if he thinks he’s the reason for all WWE’s success. Punk says he’s the reason Vince still has money to fuel up his jet. Vince says no individual makes WWE a success – the WWE Universe does. Vince says he listens to the fans everywhere, every tout, every tweet. Vince says right now the fans want someone to shut Punk’s mouth. Vince says Punk is nowhere near the caliber of Andre the Giant, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Triple Hor Steve Austin. Punk says he is nothing like Steve Austin. Punk says Austin made it to the top by taking shortcuts and starts ripping into him. Punk says Austin got famous by beating up a clueless and inept millionaire. Punk says that clueless inept millionaire is now a senior citizen. Punk asks Vince if he’s getting mad. Punk goes on and slaps Vince in the face, knocking him tothe mat. Punk exits the ring laughing as Vince gets up. Punk and Heyman head up the ramp. Vince says he should fire Punk but right now that’s too good for him. Vince says he will fire Punk unless he fights him in the ring tonight. Vince says Punk may beat his ass but he will learn about respect before the night is over. Heyman tells Punk no but Punk is smiling. Heyman says things just went wrong but Punk says they have Vince right where they want him.

*Tag Team Tournament Match: Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Rey slides out of Young’s finisher and nails 619. Rey goes to the top for the splash and the win. Rey and Cara advance to the finals.
Winners: Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

- Paul Heyman and CM Punk are backstage. Punk wants to annihilate Vince tonight but Heyman doesn’t want a crazy billionaire trying to make their life miserable. Punk says he will win and they have nothing to worry about.

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